Saturday, July 24, 2010

my getting married

Getting married last June 11, 2008 was the last thing I have thought about. Why? Simply because I have quit the idea of getting married ever. I've even prayed to God that I am surrendering myself to Him and promised Him that I will stay faithful to Him, ever. What I do not know was that, God has other plan for me.

My friend, told me about someone that she wants me to meet. She said, he is a friend of her boyfriend. To my dismay, he did not want to meet me because he does not like the idea of being paired off. To cut the long story short, we did not meet. And I didn't like him or his attitude per se because I thought he was being boastful. Then, time passed by. My friend together with her boyfriend went to other country, the same place where that friend of her boyfriend stays. One time, my friend and I were chatting when he saw me on-line. He asked my friend, if i am that person he's supposed to meet back in Manila, and my friend said, yes. The funny thing he did was he memorized my yahoo id and add me on his YM list. The unexpected happened, I've accepted his request and he started sending me messages. Because I am still hurt with what he did to me the last time he was here in the Philippines, I am always off-line on his list. Hahaha!! At last, I got my revenge. I told my friend that he's sending me messages and my friend said, go talk to him as he is good, anyway. Then, one time he was on-line and I, too, was on-line, I've decided to make myself visible on his list and chatted with him.

Truly, God is amazing! I never realized that I would find myself laughing with his jokes and actually exchanging ideas with him over YM and yahoo voice. Then, we send text messages and call through cellphone. I didn't expect that he will tell me, one day, that he liked me after months of talking. I've prayed again and asked God, if He was joking with me. As much as possible, I don't want to be unfaithful to God. But I know in my heart that I follow whatever is His will for me. It is always His will, not mine. I've prayed so hard that if this things were true, God will allow him to go back and ask my hand in person. He went back here and proposed marriage. After a few more months again, we got married.

Now, I am married, I cannot and will not say that it will all be sweet music being together. I've discovered our differences already (and I know there are more) but I've taken the chances. I've allowed my God to decide on my life. I just followed. Wherever, God will bring me I know one thing, I must blossom. I am happy that I allowed God to control my life because without it, I will not be this happy. Thank you Lord, for being my God. To my husband, thank you for allowing God to use you and thus, making me happy.

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